
I have a passion for education and have utilized great programs online such as Udemy, FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and Udacity to learn web development. I've completed several bootcamps and have earned certifications for Responsive Design, Front End Frameworks, and ReactJS. I'm currently studying WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and testing methodologies to ensure my projects are compliant and built using inclusive design. Prior to my journey into web development, I studied Graphic Communications and Business at Baker College. The courses I engaged in focused on the use of graphic design in marketing and campaigns, business communication, and advertising.

Deque University
Web Accessibility
Jun 2020 - Present

Curriculum features inclusive design concepts, legal requirements, and WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to earn Web Accessibility Specialist certification.

Udemy, FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy
Web Development, Programming
Sept 2016 - Present

Engaged in several courses from these programs including Web Development, Front End Frameworks, Advanced CSS and Sass, Javascript, jQuery, React, NodeJS, and more.

Baker College
Graphic Communications, Marketing
Jan 2007 - Mar 2008

Completed courses in Business, Marketing, Advertising, Communications, and Graphic Design

Check out some of my recent certifications:

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